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Special Characters 1 0 2

Strings are finite sequences of characters. Of course, the real trouble comes when one asks what a character is. The characters that English speakers are familiar with are the letters A, B, C, etc., together with numerals and common punctuation symbols.These characters are standardized together with a mapping to integer values between 0 and 127 by the ASCII standard. The Character Map feature in Windows is an often overlooked feature that can help you add special characters to your work. To access the Character Map in Vista or Windows 7, click on Start and enter character map into the search box and hit Enter. Now choose the font which matches what you’re working in, select the special character you want.

  1. Disney Infinity 2.0 Character List
  2. Special Characters 1 0 24
  3. Tier 0 Characters
  4. C# 0 Character
  5. Type 0 Characters

From MediaWiki 1.5, all projects use Unicode (UTF-8)character encoding. Many characters, including CJK characters, can be in the wikitext itself. They use a variable number of bytes per character.

Important special characters[edit]

Umlauts and accents:À Á Â Ã Ä ÅÆ Ç È É Ê ËÌ Í Î Ï Ñ ÒÓ Ô Œ Õ Ö Ø ÙÚ Û Ü ß à áâ ã ä å æ çè é ê ë ì íî ï ñ ò ó ôœ õ ö ø ù úû ü ÿ

Punctuation:¿ ¡ « » § ¶† ‡ • - – —

Commercial symbols:™ © ® ¢ € ¥ £ ¤

Greek characters:α β γ δ ε ζη θ ι κ λ μ νξ ο π ρ σ ςτ υ φ χ ψ ωΓ Δ Θ Λ Ξ ΠΣ Φ Ψ Ω

Math characters:∫ ∑ ∏ √ − ± ∞≈ ∝ ≡ ≠ ≤ ≥× · ÷ ∂ ′ ″∇ ‰ ° ∴ ø∈ ∩ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇¬ ∧ ∨ ∃ ∀ ⇒ ⇔→ ↔ ↑ ℵ ∉ °

For more, see w:Table of mathematical symbols.

Subscripts and superscripts as special characters (here shown with x):x₀ x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄x₅ x₆ x₇ x₈ x₉x⁰ x¹ x² x³ x⁴x⁵ x⁶ x⁷ x⁸ x⁹

Compare, as alternative and for other sub- and superscripts:
  • x<sub>k</sub> → xk[1]
  • x<sup>k</sup> → xk[2]
  • {{#tag:math|x_k}} → xk{displaystyle x_{k}}[3]
  • {{#tag:math|x^k}} → xk{displaystyle x^{k}}[4]


Ways to enter a non-ASCII character into the wikitext:

  • Use a link to a special character listed under the edit box to insert that character. Wikis need Extension:CharInsert for this. Which characters are displayed depends on the wiki, and on user preference settings; sometimes lists are collapsible, or there is a menu to select a list.
  • Copy the character from some list on a webpage, like that above, or from a locally stored page. The character should not be an image or part of an image, hence for example not an image produced by the TeX feature of the wiki. Thus one can copy for example from the characters in the first column of w:Table of mathematical symbols.
  • Use a special keyboard function (or enter the character directly from a foreign keyboard).
  • Use a special browser function.
  • Use an HTML named character entity reference like &agrave; or HTML numeric character reference like &#161;, and copy the character from preview. In the past the code itself had to be stored in the wikitext. Such codes may still be present on some pages. Results of the internal search function may be affected by this. On the other hand, this search function cannot find some characters, including '→', while if it is coded as '&rarr;', it can be found by searching for 'rarr'. See also Help:Searching.


in edit boxin database and output

MediaWiki installations configured for Esperanto use UTF-8 for storage and display. However when editing the text is converted to a form that is designed to be easier to edit with a standard keyboard.

The characters for which this applies are: Ĉ, Ĝ, Ĥ, Ĵ, Ŝ, Ŭ, ĉ, ĝ, ĥ, ĵ, ŝ, and ŭ. You may enter these directly in the edit box if you have the facilities to do so. However when you edit the page again you will see them encoded as Sx. This form is referred to as 'x-sistemo' or 'x-kodo'. In order to preserve round trip capability when one or more x's follow these characters or their non-accented forms (C, G, H, J, S, U, c, g, h, j, s, u), the number of x's in the edit box is double the number in the actual stored article text.

For example, the interlanguage link [[en:Luxury car]] to en:Luxury car has to be entered in the edit box as [[en:Luxxury car]] on eo:. This has caused problems with interwiki update bots in the past.

Browser issues[edit]

Some browsers are known to do nasty things to text in the edit box. Most commonly they convert it to an encoding native to the platform (whilst the NT line of Windows is internally UCS-2LE (2 Byte subset of UTF-16) it has a complete duplicate set of APIs in the Windows ANSI code page and many older apps tend to use these, especially for things like edit boxes). Then they let the user edit it using a standard edit control and convert it back. The result is that any characters that do not exist in the encoding used for editing get replaced with something that does (often a question mark though at least one browser has been reported to actually transliterate text!).

IE for the Mac[edit]

This relatively common browser translates to mac-roman for the edit box with the result it munges most Unicode stuff (usually but not always by replacing them with a question mark). It also munges things that are in ISO-8859-1 but not mac-roman (specifically ¤ ¦ ¹ ² ³ ¼ ½ ¾ Ð × Ý Þ ð ý þ and the soft hyphen) so the problems it causes are not limited to Unicode wikis (though they tend to be much worse on Unicode wikis because they affect actual text and interwiki links rather than just fairly obscure symbols).


Netscape 4.x[edit]

Similar issues to IE Mac though the character set converted to and from will obviously not always be mac-roman.

Console browsers[edit]

Lynx, Links (in text mode) and W3M convert to the console character set (Lynx and Links actually using a transliteration engine) for editing and convert back on save. If the console character set is UTF-8 then these browsers are Unicode safe but if it isn't they aren't. With Lynx and Links a possible detection method would be to add another edit box to the login form but this won't work for W3M as it doesn't convert the text to the console character set until the user actually attempts to edit it.

The workaround[edit]

In database and edit
box for normal browsers
In editbox for
trouble browsers

After English Wikipedia switched to UTF-8 and interwiki bots started replacing html entities in interwikis with literal unicode text, edits that broke unicode characters became so common they could no longer be ignored. A workaround was developed to allow the problematic browsers to edit safely provided that MediaWiki knew they have problems. Totalfinder 1 1 14 intelk download free.

Browsers listed in the setting $wgBrowserBlackList (a list of regexps that match against user agent strings) are supplied text for editing in a special form. Existing hexadecimal html entities in the page have an extra leading zero added, non-ascii characters that are stored in the wikitext are represented as hexadecimal html entities with no leading zeros.

Currently the default settings only have IE mac and a specific version of netscape 4.x for linux in the blacklist. Nevertheless it seems to have stopped most of the problem.


Most current browsers have some level of Unicode support but some do it better than others. The most commonly encountered problem is that Internet Explorer relies on preconfigured font links in the registry rather than actually searching for a font that can display the character in question. This means that Internet Explorer often has to be forced to use particular fonts. On English Wikipedia there are a set of templates to do this. For example {{unicode}} for general Unicode text, {{polytonic}} for polytonic Greek and {{IPA}} for the International Phonetic Alphabet. The stuff in Windows Glyph List 4 should be safe to use without such special measures.

<font face='Arial Unicode MS'>.</font> may work, but only for people with that font.

Displaying special characters[edit]

To display Unicode or special characters on web page(s), one or more of the Unicode fonts need to be present or installed in your computer, first. For proper working functionality, setup or configuration or settings from the web page viewing browser software also needs to be modified.

The default font for Latin scripts in Internet Explorer(IE) web browser for Windows is Times New Roman. It doesn't include many Unicode blocks. To properly view special characters in IE, you must set your browser font settings to a font that includes many Unicode blocks of characters, such as Lucida Sans Unicode font, which comes with Windows XP, DejaVu Sans, TITUS Cyberbit, GNU Unifont which are freely available, or Arial Unicode MS, which comes with Microsoft Office. See subsection below for specific instructions.

Alternatively, the style sheet page related to the web page(s), could also try using Unicode-range specifications to note the gaps where Times New Roman does not have glyphs from Unicode blocks, such as, Hawaiian ‘okina (glottal stop), etc. and thus force the browser to check further down the list of next fonts to try to display those special characters.

Special symbols should display properly without further configuration with Mozilla Firefox, Konqueror, Opera, Safari and most other recent browsers. An optional step can be taken for better (and correct) display of characters with ligature forms, combined characters, after the previously mentioned steps were followed, is to install a rendering engine software.

To use one of the available Unicode fonts for displaying special characters inside a table or chart or box, specify the class='Unicode' in the table's TR row tag (or, in each TD tag, but using it in each TR is easier than using it in each TD), in wiki table code, use that after the (TR equivalent) '|-' (like, |-).

For displaying individual special character, template code {{Unicode|char}} for each character can be used. HTML decimal or hexadecimal numeric entity codes can be used in the place of the char. If a paragraph with lots of special Unicode characters need to be displayed, then, <p> . </p>, or, <span> . </span> code can also be used.

The is to be used in web page(s), HTML or wiki tags, where various characters from wide range of various Unicode blocks need to be displayed. If the special characters that need to be displayed on web page(s), are mostly covering fewer Unicode blocks, related to latin scripts, then class='latinx' can be used. For special characters or symbols related to International Phonetic Alphabet, class='IPA' can be used. For polytonic (Greek) characters or related symbols, class='polytonic' can be used.

Changing Internet Explorer's (IE) default font[edit]

From the IE menu bar, follow this path:Tools -> Internet Options -> Fonts -> Webpage Font:
to a scrolling list of fonts. As indicated above, the default selection for Windows is Times New Roman. For viewing of many special characters, select a different font, such as Lucida Sans Unicode, and then select OK.

Linking text with special characters[edit]

Many users have settings giving underlined links. When linking a special character, in some cases the result may be mistaken for another character with a different meaning:

Linking + − < > ⊂ ⊃ gives +−<>⊂⊃ which may look like ± = ≤ ≥ ⊆ ⊇. In such cases one can better use a separate link:

  • A ⊂ B (see subset)

There is less risk of confusion if more than one character is linked, e.g. x Autofs arch. > 3.

Alt keycodes[edit]

See also : Alt codes, Windows Alt keycodes

Many special characters which have decimal equivalent codepoint numbers that are below 256, can be typed in by using the keyboard's Alt + Decimal equivalent code numbers keys.

For example, the character é (Small e with acute accent, html entity code '&eacute;') can be obtained by pressing Alt + 130.

Which means, first press the 'Alt' key and keep on pressing it (or keep on holding it), with your left hand, then press the digit keys 1, 3, 0, in sequence, one by one, in the right-side Numeric Keypad part of the keyboard, then release the Alt key.

But special characters, for example, λ (small lambda) cannot be obtained from its decimal code 955 or 0955, by using it with the Alt key, if used inside Notepad or Internet Explorer (IE). You'll get wrong character '╗' or '»'.

The 'Wordpad' (Windows Operating system) editor accepts the decimal (numeric entity codepoints) values above 256, so it can be used to obtain the Special/Unicode characters, then copy-paste where you need.

To obtain such special characters correctly, which have decimal codepoint values above the 256, another option is to use or type its hex equivalent codepoint first, then press Alt+X keys. To do this, open or start Wordpad, Word, etc editing application software, (this Alt+X process will not work in Internet Explorer, Notepad, etc). Type in 3BB, which is a hexadecimal equivalent numeric codepoint of the character λ, then press Alt+X. Hexcode 3BB will convert/turn into the λ character. If you press the Alt+X key combination again, then λ character will convert back to its hex equivalent codepoint, 3BB. Now character(s) can be copy pasted, where you want to use, or, (in IE) use its html hexadecimal equivalent code &#x3BB; or its html decimal equivalent code &lambda;.

Characters and formulas which are not directly entered as wikitext[edit]

  • x<sub>k</sub> → xk[5]
  • x<sup>k</sup> → xk[6]

Alternative wikitext for characters that can directly be entered as wikitext:

  • &rarr; gives →, etc.

Characters and formulas displayed as image[edit]

Displaying additional characters and also formulas:

For example: {{#tag:math|sqrt x}} → x{displaystyle {sqrt {x}}}[7]

Disney Infinity 2.0 Character List

A user preference setting controls to what extent HTML code is used, if possible, and to what extent images. See Help:Displaying a formula.

Egyptian hieroglyphs:

For example: {{#tag:hiero|a-p:t-q}} →

See mw:Extension:WikiHiero/Syntax.

See also[edit]

  • Windows Alt keycodes chart and Alt+X keycodes chart.
  • hotkeys.js – tool for easily entering special characters via definable Ctrl-key mappings

External links[edit]

  • http://www.unicode.org/charts/ Unicode character charts; hexadecimal numbers only; PDF files showing all characters independent of browser capabilities
  • http://www.unicode.org/help/display_problems.html Help for enabling Unicode support on most platforms
  • Table of Unicode characters from 1 to 65535 - shows how the decimal character references look in one's browser
  • HTML 4.0 Character Entity References - shows how the named and decimal character references look in one's browser
  • FileFormat.Info - details of many Unicode characters, including the named, decimal and hexadecimal character reference, showing how it should look and for each, how it looks in one's browser
  • Alan Wood's Unicode Resources - comprehensive resource with character test pages for all Unicode ranges, as well as OS-specific Unicode support information and links to fonts and utilities.
  • CharacterPal - Free Mac OS X Dashboard Widget that displays key combinations for special characters.
  • A convertor that helps you find the right escape sequence to use - helps when you need to escape ASCII/Unicode characters that are special characters in wiki markup

Links to other help pages[edit]

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ISO-8859-1 was the default character in HTML 4.01.

ISO (The International Standards Organization) defines the standard character sets for different alphabets/languages.

The different variants of ISO-8859 are listed at the bottom of this page.

Special Characters 1 0 24

ISO-8859-1 Character Set

The first part of ISO-8859-1 (entity numbers from 0-127) is the original ASCII character-set. It contains numbers, upper and lowercase English letters, and some special characters.

For a closer look, please study our Complete ASCII Reference.

Type 0 characters
CharacterNumberEntity NameDescription
0 - 31Control characters
!33exclamation mark
'34&quot;quotation mark
#35number sign
$36dollar sign
%37percent sign
(40left parenthesis
)41right parenthesis
+43plus sign
.46full stop
048digit zero
149digit one
250digit two
351digit three
452digit four
553digit five
654digit six
755digit seven
856digit eight
957digit nine
<60&lt;less-than sign
=61equals sign
>62&gt;greater-than sign
?63question mark
@64commercial at
A65Latin capital letter A
B66Latin capital letter B
C67Latin capital letter C
D68Latin capital letter D
E69Latin capital letter E
F70Latin capital letter F
G71Latin capital letter G
H72Latin capital letter H
I73Latin capital letter I
J74Latin capital letter J
K75Latin capital letter K
L76Latin capital letter L
M77Latin capital letter M
N78Latin capital letter N
O79Latin capital letter O
P80Latin capital letter P
Q81Latin capital letter Q
R82Latin capital letter R
S83Latin capital letter S
T84Latin capital letter T
U85Latin capital letter U
V86Latin capital letter V
W87Latin capital letter W
X88Latin capital letter X
Y89Latin capital letter Y
Z90Latin capital letter Z
[91left square bracket
92reverse solidus
]93right square bracket
^94circumflex accent
_95low line
`96grave accent
a97Latin small letter a
b98Latin small letter b
c99Latin small letter c
d100Latin small letter d
e101Latin small letter e
f102Latin small letter f
g103Latin small letter g
h104Latin small letter h
i105Latin small letter i
j106Latin small letter j
k107Latin small letter k
l108Latin small letter l
m109Latin small letter m
n110Latin small letter n
o111Latin small letter o
p112Latin small letter p
q113Latin small letter q
r114Latin small letter r
s115Latin small letter s
t116Latin small letter t
u117Latin small letter u
v118Latin small letter v
w119Latin small letter w
x120Latin small letter x
y121Latin small letter y
z122Latin small letter z
{123left curly bracket
|124vertical line
}125right curly bracket
127Control character

ISO-8859-1 and Windows-1252

https://fleetchaebrokap1984.mystrikingly.com/blog/buy-fcp-7-from-apple. ISO-8859-1 is very similar to Windows-1252.

In ISO-8859-1, the characters from 128 to 159 are not defined.

In Windows-1252, the characters from 128 to 159 are used for some useful symbols.

For a closer look, please study our Complete ANSI (Windows-1252) Reference.

Since many web sites declare ISO-8859-1 and use the values from 128 to 159 as if they were using Windows-1252, most browsers will display these characters from the Windows-1252 character set instead of nothing.

CharacterNumberEntity NameDescription
128&euro;euro sign
130&sbquo;single low-9 quotation mark
ƒ131&fnof;Latin small letter f with hook
132&bdquo;double low-9 quotation mark
133&hellip;horizontal ellipsis
135&Dagger;double dagger
ˆ136&circ;modifier letter circumflex accent
137&permil;per mille sign
Š138&Scaron;Latin capital letter S with caron
139&lsaquo;single left-pointing angle quotation mark
Œ140&OElig;Latin capital ligature OE
Ž142&Zcaron;Latin capital letter Z with caron
145&lsquo;left single quotation mark
146&rsquo;right single quotation mark
147&ldquo;left double quotation mark
148&rdquo;right double quotation mark
150&ndash;en dash
151&mdash;em dash
˜152&tilde;small tilde
153&trade;trade mark sign
š154&scaron;Latin small letter s with caron
155&rsaquo;single right-pointing angle quotation mark
œ156&oelig;Latin small ligature oe
ž158&zcaron;Latin small letter z with caron
Ÿ159&Yuml;Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis

ISO-8859-1 Symbols

The next part of ISO-8859-1 (codes from 160-191) contains commonly used special characters.

Tier 0 Characters

CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
&#160;&nbsp;non-breaking space
¡&#161;&iexcl;inverted exclamation mark
¦&#166;&brvbar;broken vertical bar
¨&#168;&uml;spacing diaeresis
ª&#170;&ordf;feminine ordinal indicator
«&#171;&laquo;angle quotation mark (left)
­&#173;&shy;soft hyphen
®&#174;&reg;registered trademark
¯&#175;&macr;spacing macron
²&#178;&sup2;superscript 2
³&#179;&sup3;superscript 3
´&#180;&acute;spacing acute
·&#183;&middot;middle dot
¸&#184;&cedil;spacing cedilla
¹&#185;&sup1;superscript 1
º&#186;&ordm;masculine ordinal indicator
»&#187;&raquo;angle quotation mark (right)
¼&#188;&frac14;fraction 1/4
½&#189;&frac12;fraction 1/2
¾&#190;&frac34;fraction 3/4
¿&#191;&iquest;inverted question mark

ISO-8859-1 Characters

The higher part of ISO-8859-1 (codes from 192-255, except 215 and 247) contains characters used in Western European countries.

CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
À&#192;&Agrave;capital a, grave accent
Á&#193;&Aacute;capital a, acute accent
Â&#194;&Acirc;capital a, circumflex accent
Ã&#195;&Atilde;capital a, tilde
Ä&#196;&Auml;capital a, umlaut mark
Å&#197;&Aring;capital a, ring
Æ&#198;&AElig;capital ae
Ç&#199;&Ccedil;capital c, cedilla
È&#200;&Egrave;capital e, grave accent
É&#201;&Eacute;capital e, acute accent
Ê&#202;&Ecirc;capital e, circumflex accent
Ë&#203;&Euml;capital e, umlaut mark
Ì&#204;&Igrave;capital i, grave accent
Í&#205;&Iacute;capital i, acute accent
Î&#206;&Icirc;capital i, circumflex accent
Ï&#207;&Iuml;capital i, umlaut mark
Ð&#208;&ETH;capital eth, Icelandic
Ñ&#209;&Ntilde;capital n, tilde
Ò&#210;&Ograve;capital o, grave accent
Ó&#211;&Oacute;capital o, acute accent
Ô&#212;&Ocirc;capital o, circumflex accent
Õ&#213;&Otilde;capital o, tilde
Ö&#214;&Ouml;capital o, umlaut mark
Ø&#216;&Oslash;capital o, slash
Ù&#217;&Ugrave;capital u, grave accent
Ú&#218;&Uacute;capital u, acute accent
Û&#219;&Ucirc;capital u, circumflex accent
Ü&#220;&Uuml;capital u, umlaut mark
Ý&#221;&Yacute;capital y, acute accent
Þ&#222;&THORN;capital THORN, Icelandic
ß&#223;&szlig;small sharp s, German
à&#224;&agrave;small a, grave accent
á&#225;&aacute;small a, acute accent
â&#226;&acirc;small a, circumflex accent
ã&#227;&atilde;small a, tilde
ä&#228;&auml;small a, umlaut mark
å&#229;&aring;small a, ring
æ&#230;&aelig;small ae
ç&#231;&ccedil;small c, cedilla
è&#232;&egrave;small e, grave accent
é&#233;&eacute;small e, acute accent
ê&#234;&ecirc;small e, circumflex accent
ë&#235;&euml;small e, umlaut mark
ì&#236;&igrave;small i, grave accent
í&#237;&iacute;small i, acute accent
î&#238;&icirc;small i, circumflex accent
ï&#239;&iuml;small i, umlaut mark
ð&#240;&eth;small eth, Icelandic
ñ&#241;&ntilde;small n, tilde
ò&#242;&ograve;small o, grave accent
ó&#243;&oacute;small o, acute accent
ô&#244;&ocirc;small o, circumflex accent
õ&#245;&otilde;small o, tilde
ö&#246;&ouml;small o, umlaut mark
ø&#248;&oslash;small o, slash
ù&#249;&ugrave;small u, grave accent
ú&#250;&uacute;small u, acute accent
û&#251;&ucirc;small u, circumflex accent
ü&#252;&uuml;small u, umlaut mark
ý&#253;&yacute;small y, acute accent
þ&#254;&thorn;small thorn, Icelandic
ÿ&#255;&yuml;small y, umlaut mark

Variants of ISO-8859

C# 0 Character

8859-1Latin 1North America, Western Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Canada, Africa.
8859-2Latin 2Eastern Europe.
8859-3Latin 3SE Europe, Esperanto, miscellaneous others.
8859-4Latin 4Scandinavia/Baltics (and others not in ISO-8859-1).
8859-5Latin/CyrillicThe Cyrillic alphabet. Bulgarian, Belarusian, Russian and Macedonian.
8859-6Latin/ArabicThe Arabic alphabet.
8859-7Latin/GreekThe modern Greek alphabet and mathematical symbols derived from the Greek.
8859-8Latin/HebrewThe Hebrew alphabet.
8859-9Latin/TurkishThe Turkish alphabet. Same as ISO-8859-1 except Turkish characters replace Icelandic.
8859-10Latin/NordicNordic alphabets. Lappish, Nordic, Eskimo.
8859-15Latin 9 (Latin 0)Similar to ISO-8859-1 but replaces some less common symbols with the euro sign and some other missing characters.
2022-JPLatin/Japanese 1The Japanese alphabet part 1.
2022-JP-2Latin/Japanese 2The Japanese alphabet part 2.
2022-KRLatin/Korean 1The Korean alphabet.

Type 0 Characters

Special Characters 1 0 2
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