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MP4 Video & Audio Tag Editor is a powerful MP4 tag editor for MP4 video and audio files. Features: Edit MP4 tags in MP4, M4V, M4A, M4B, ALAC (Apple Lossless) and 3GP files Manage cover arts Powerful search functionality to find video and audio files in your library. 30.0: 10.0: 11.0: 5.0: Yes: Syntax HTML video tag. Tabs Dropdowns Accordions Side Navigation Top Navigation Modal Boxes Progress Bars Parallax Login Form HTML Includes Google Maps Range Sliders Tooltips Slideshow Filter List Sort List.

This HTML tutorial explains how to use the HTML element called the <font> tag Prism 8 3 1 multiplication. with syntax and examples.


The HTML <font> tag defines the font size, color and face of text in the HTML document. Since this tag was removed in HTML5, it is recommended that you use CSS properties such as font, font-family, font-size and color to format the text in the document. This tag is also commonly referred to as the <font> element.

WARNING: The <font> tag has been removed in HTML5. Use CSS such as font, font-family, font-size and color to format the text in the document.


Video tag 1 0 50

In HTML, the syntax for the <font> tag is: (example that formats the text as red, uses to the font-family Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif and has a relative size of +1)

Sample Output


In addition to the Global Attributes, the following is a list of attributes that are specific to the <font> tag:

AttributeDescriptionHTML Compatibility
colorColor of text in either hexadecimal (ie: #RRGGBB format) or named color (ie: black, red, white)HTML 4.01
faceFont to use for text. Listed as one or more font names (comma separated)HTML 4.01
sizeFont size expressed as either a numeric or relative value.
Numeric values range from 1 to 7 (1 is the smallest, 7 is the largest, 3 is the default).
Relative values can be values such as +1 or -2, increasing by one font size or decreasing by 2 font sizes, respectively.
HTML 4.01


  • The HTML <font> element is found within the <body> tag.
  • The <font> tag is obsolete in HTML5. Use CSS instead to format the text. The CSS equivalents would be color, font, font-family, font-size, etc.

Browser Compatibility

The <font> tag has basic support with the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Android
  • Firefox (Gecko)
  • Firefox Mobile (Gecko)
  • Internet Explorer (IE)
  • Edge Mobile
  • Opera
  • Opera Mobile
  • Safari (WebKit)
  • Safari Mobile


We will discuss the <font> tag below, exploring examples of how to use the <font> tag in HTML5, HTML 4.01 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Strict, and XHTML 1.1.

  • HTML5
  • HTML4

HTML5 Document

You can not use the <font> tag in HTML5. Instead, use CSS properties such as font, font-family, font-size and color to format the text in the document.

HTML 4.01 Transitional Document

If you created a new web page in HTML 4.01 Transitional, your <font> tag might look like this:

In this HTML 4.01 Transitional Document example, we have 6 <font> tag examples.

The first <font> tag shows how to set the font color with a named color while the second <font> tag shows how to set the font color with a hexadecimal value. The third <font> tag shows how to set the font face with a comma separate list of font families to use. The fourth <font> tag shows how to set the font size using a numeric value while the fifth <font> tag shows how to set the font size using a relative value.

The sixth <font> tag shows how to combine the color, face, and size together in the same <font> tag. Chromium 80.

XHTML 1.0 Transitional Document

If you created a new web page in XHTML 1.0 Transitional, your <font> tag might look like this:

http://fbvswmf.xtgem.com/Blog/__xtblog_entry/19266010-wifiner-wifi-analyzer-1-3-189#xt_blog. In this XHTML 1.0 Transitional Document example, we have 6 <font> tag examples.

The first <font> tag shows how to set the font color with a named color while the second <font> tag shows how to set the font color with a hexadecimal value. The third <font> tag shows how to set the font face with a comma separate list of font families to use. The fourth <font> tag shows how to set the font size using a numeric value while the fifth <font> tag shows how to set the font size using a relative value.

The sixth <font> tag shows how to combine the color, face, and size together in the same <font> tag.

XHTML 1.0 Strict Document

You can not use the <font> tag in XHTML 1.0 Strict.

XHTML 1.1 Document

You can not use the <font> tag in XHTML 1.1.

Just download and run the installer, this will install VideoTag and a bundled copy of AtomicParsley

Version History

6th December 2008 – Ver 0.43

Not a big update here, but VideoTag seems to be much less needed since Apple finally included batch changing of video kind in iTunes. Also most of the bugs being reported to me are down to AtomicParsley, and as no new development has been done on that for a couple of years, those bugs aren’t likley ever to be fixed.
For 0.43, I’ve updated the app to work better in Windows Vista (using the correct font, dialogs etc) and got rid of a bug where typing a non-existant path as an output folder causes a crash. Doing this now forces the creation of the new folder for speed. The other change I’ve made is to add the option of another rename format. This is really for myself as I’m sharing my itunes library with my MediaPortal machine, and MP-TVSeries doesn’t recognise my older rename format.

13th August 2008 – Ver 0.42

Thanks to Chris Heuer for identifiying a bug with the rename feature that causes problems when there are control charaters in the title of an episode or show (eg. Stargate: Atlantis). This has now been fixed. The control charaters are removed from the filenames, but kept in the tag.

13th July 2008 – Ver 0.41

I fixed a bug where the move to the recycle bin option wouldn’t always be able to move the files. I also repaired a bug where dropping mp4 files with a capitalised extension wouldn’t add the file. Finally I’ve reinstated a feature lost a few versions ago, where the episode number would be copied to the track number if the track number were left blank.

7th July 2008 – Ver 0.4

A couple of nice things in this release that I’ve been asked for. 0.4 sees the addition of artwork and overwriting of the source files safely.
The artwork feature lets you add or delete artwork in individual videos or multiple files at once. VideoTag is drag and drop enabled, so you can drag your video files to it, select them all, flip to the artwork tab and drag and drop an image to add it.
The overwriting feature lets you edit files in situ. Due to my concerns that AtomicParsley can occasionally go mad and corrupt a video (although this is incredibly rare now), VideoTag drops the old file in the recycle bin for you, ready to be restored in case the worst happens.
As well as these two big additions, a few minor features have been added. First your write settings are now saved between sessions, so if you always want to overwrite your files, just set it once and VideoTag remembers it until you change it. Secondly, I’ve added a significant amount of debugging code and error trapping in an attempt to make the program even more stable.
Next in my sights is cast information for the appleTV users though I don’t actually own one so it might be a bit hit and miss, I don’t think you’ve access to that info in iTunes or on the iPod.
As always, bug reports and feedback are always welcome by email to videotag @ this site address.

1st July 2008 – Ver 0.32

My dev PC is up and running again so for clarity I’ve released version 0.32 which removes the need for zlib.

30th June 2008 – Ver 0.31r

OK, I messed up. When I built my custom atomicparsley, I left the zlib stuff in, and as I have the zlib dll in my path it worked fine for me. Due to a rather massive reinstall on my dev computer here, I can’t change any code currently, so I’ve uploaded a new installer that drops the dll in the install directory to get round the problem for now. Once my computer is back to life I’ll drop the zlib stuff and recompile AP.

10th June 2008 – Ver 0.31

The 8 day week bug really has gone now.
This release adds video content ratings (PG, R, NC-17 etc), these content rating show up as cool little icons in iTunes when they are set.

7th June 2007 – Ver 0.30

First and most importantly, I’ve fixed that annoying progress bar flicker when running VideoTag under Vista.
Also, thanks to StarChild via email, I’ve hopfully squashed a bug where 8 days was sometimes added instead of 7 days when the “add a week” function was used (edit: This is still a bug, I’m working to track it down). StarChild also suggest I make my donate button a bit more obvious so it’s now at the top of the page.


Best online casinos 2016. After receiving quite a bit of email about VideoTag, I’ve added more of the tags that AtomicParsley provides as an “Extra” tab. The main development that allowed this is that I’ve started looking at and fixing bugs in the AP source itself. Having looked at the source, I’ve now imposed length limits in VT to fall in line with AP’s limits (i.e. 254 characters for strings).
So far I’ve not managed to get the MPAA and US ratings into VT, due to them being done in a strange way, but I’ll be look at that once I squash any bugs in this release.
The extensive list of extra tags that VT now supports are Genre, Artist, Composer, Album, Disk, Track, Copyright, Comment and Network; though I can’t fathom why they are used by people in video files, I’ve had enough email to put it in just to make you all happy

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